Present Famous Schloships in India

The objective of the scheme is to award scholarships to meritorious students belonging to economically weaker sections of society so as to provide them better opportunities for higher education increase their rate of attainment in higher education and enhance their employability.
The   scholarship  is  to  be  awarded  for  studies  in  India  in  a  government  or   private
college/university,. It will also cover technical and vocational courses in Industrial Training Institutes/ Industrial Training Centres affiliated with the National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) of classes at Graduation level.
Students who have passed Class XII exam or its equivalent in the Academic Year 2010-11 and are interested to pursue higher education in the field of
i) Medicine, Engineering, Graduation, in any discipline, Diploma Course in any field or other equivalent courses.
ii) Vocational Courses through Government recognized Colleges/Institutes or courses in Industrial Training Institutes (ITI).
For i) above Candidates who have passed Class XII exam or equivalent in the Academic year 2010-11 with at least 60% marks or equivalent grade and annual income of whose parents/guardian from all sources does not exceed ` 60,000/ per annum.
For ii) above The basic educational qualification is relaxed to Class X or equivalent with at least 60% marks in the Academic year 2011 subject to income ceiling of parents/guardians.
Scholarship shall be provided for the entire course.
10,000/- per annum, ` 1000/ payable monthly for ten months  by Cheques to the   Beneficiary.
(i)   Scholarship shall be awarded to the students who have secured not less than  60% marks or equivalent grade in the previous final examination and the annual income of whose parents/guardian from all sources does not exceed Rs.60,000/ per annum. Students having the lowest family income shall be given preference in the ascending order.
(ii)  The scholarship shall be discontinued if a student fails to secure 50% in B.A./B.COM. and 55% marks in other streams or equivalent grade, in the previous final examination of the course for which scholarship is awarded. Scholarship shall not be awarded for more than the normal period of time taken to obtain certificate/degree.
(iii)  Scholarship shall not be given to more than one student in a family.
(iv)  The students should be regular in attendance for which the yardstick shall be decided by the competent authority of the school/college/university.
(v)  Income certificate should be on self-certification basis by way of an affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper for self-employed parents and from employer for employed parents  supported by documents such as land held by revenue department in the name of parents.
(vi)  If a student violates any other term and condition of the scholarship, the scholarship may be suspended or cancelled.
(vii)  If a student is found to have obtained a scholarship by false statement/certificates, his/her scholarship shall be cancelled forthwith and the amount of the scholarship paid shall be recovered, at the discretion of the concerned Divisional Administration of LIC.
(viii) LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation will lay down the detailed procedure for processing and sanctioning of scholarships to eligible students.
(ix)  The scheme shall be evaluated at regular intervals by the LICGJF.
(x) The regulations can be changed at any time at the discretion of the Board of Trustees of LICGJF
The scholarship, once awarded, may be renewed during the next academic year of the course on the production of certificate that the student has secured 50% in B.A./B.COM. and 55% marks in other streams or equivalent grade in the examination.
Only online applications are to be submitted through the link on the Home page. Pl. note that MICR number is not mandatory while submitting the online application form.
Last date for online application is 08.08.2011

LIC Online Application candidates can apply Online



Duration for which Scholarship will be awarded and minimum duration of course
No. of Scholarships

Qualifying Examination

Minimum Eligibility marks in Qualifying Exam
Scholarship amount per month


SC/ST/ OBC/Girls

2 years
Rs. 1000
4 years
Rs. 3000
4 years
Rs. 3000
2 years
Rs. 3000
Indian Oil Academic Scholarships for 2011-2012 offers 2600 Scholarships for Students of 10+/ITI, Engineering, MBBS & MBA Courses on merit cum means basis under Indian Oil Merit Scholarships Scheme 2011-12 for 10+ / ITI studies and for Graduate and Post Graduate students under 'Indian Oil Scholarships Scheme. Selection of the candidates will be based on the marks obtained in the qualifying examination and parental annual income.
All the selected 10 + / ITI candidates will receive Rs. 1000 and other candidates will get Rs. 3000 per month as scholarship. 2000 Scholarships are offered for 10+/ITI students and 600 scholarships are offered for professional courses. These are distributed as for Engineering- 300, MBBS-200 and MBA- 100 scholarships. Details of eligible programs, duration of the scholarship, selection methos, number of scholarships and online application procedure
IOCL Online Application candidates can apply Online
Candidates should take system generated unique Registration Number along with a print-out of the submitted online application. Print out of the application form along with other necessary documents should be sent to 'ACE Consultants, Post Box No. 9248, Krishna Nagar Head Post Office, Delhi-110051'. 
Important Dates:
  • Online application from 25th July 2011.
  • Close of Online application through website: 15th September 2011.
  • Last date for the receipt of print outs of applications with documents: 15th October 2011.

AP State Minorities Finance Corporation - Pre Metric Scholarship for Minorities
Pre Metric scholarship will be sanctioned to the economically backward minority students studying in class 6th to 10th whose parent/guardian income is below Rs 1 lakh per annum. The rates of Scholarship are as follows:

  • 6th to 8th Class Rs 600 per annum
  • IX to X Class Rs 800 per annum
Eligibility Criteria
Pre Metric scholarship will be sanctioned to the economically backward Minority students from 6th to 10th Class, Whose family income does not exceed Rs 1 lakh- per annum. The Scholarship amount shall be disbursed to the students who put in 75% attendance in normal time.

Last date to apply: July 31, 2011

For more details Click here
 INSPIRE Award for 6th -10th class students

In order to seed and experience the joy of innovation, every year two lakh school children in the age-group of 10 to 15 years i.e., 6th to 10th standards are being identified for the INSPIRE Award. Each INSPIRE Award envisions an investment of Rs.5,000/- per child. The scheme plans to reach at least two students per secondary school during the next five years.

INSPIRE Award component of the INSPIRE program shall have following guidelines for its implementation:
  • The Award for the students in the class of 6th to 10th Standards.
  • No examination in the identification process. Names of the Students will be nominated by the Principal/Headmaster/Headmistress.
  • One million awards in five years spread over to about 4.5 lakhs Middle & Secondary level schools in the country.
  • Each student will get an amount of Rs 5000 for making a Project and transportation cost for displaying the exhibits/ project in the exhibition.
  • There will exhibitions at the District Level, State Level, Regional level and National Level for displaying the best exhibit/project of each level. Separate budget provision will be made to District/ State for arranging the exhibition of projects of INSPIRE Awardees at District & State level.
  • Award money will be released directly to the Awardees by an arrangement with SBI.
  • The concerned State will provide the list of all Middle & Secondary level Schools including in Government/Government aided/Private etc.
  • Names of one selected student each from Classes 6th , 7th & 8th in one Group and 9th & 10th in another Group of each School with an indication of preferred one name from each Group, viz. 6th -8th Std. and 9th -10th Std. will be provided by the Headmaster/Headmistress/Principal of each School through respective State Education departments.
  • State Education Department will exercise their convenient method of selection of students from each school in the State. Both academic records of the student and exhibition/project done by the student would be preferred in the selection process.
  • Criteria used by the State will be shared with DST. DST shall bear the cost of organizing the Exhibitions at the District & State Level and also make the necessary arrangements for engaging Scientists/Academicians as Jury in these Exhibitions.
For more details Click here
State Level Science Talent Search Examination

Unified Council conducts the State Level Science Talent Search Examination on the similar lines of NSTSE. At present the State Level Science Talent Examination is being conducted in the state of Andhra Pradesh only.

Eligibility: Students studying Classes IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX,X
Question Paper will be English Only.
Exam Fee Rs. 50/- (Rupees Fifty only)
Students desirous of referring of Model Question Paper should add Rs. 10.
If you require Student’s Performance Report, Please Add Rs. 10.

How to Apply Please send a single consolidated Demand Draft for the exam fee of all the students appearing for the SLSTSE-2011 from your school.
We require a minimum of 50 students to allot self test centre. The Teacher In-charge of the examination has to conduct the same according to schedule.
D.D. should be drawn in favour of UNIFIED COUNCIL payable at Hyderabad.

Exam Pattern
No.of Questions: 100
Marks: 100
Duration: 90 Min
Division of marks in the Question Paper:

For Classes IV, V, VI, VII
Mathematics: 45
Science: 45
General Questions: 10

For Classes VIII, IX & X
Mathematics: 25
Physics: 25
Chemistry: 20
Biology: 20
General Questions: 10

For more details Click here

Gaurav Foundation Scholarships to Study in India or Abroad 

Applications are invited for the following eligible students.

1. Age between 10yrs to 50yrs
2. Citizen of India
3. Min 60% in all exams
4. Family Annual Income not more than 4 Lac
5. Research, Work Experience, Achievements will be an added advantage

Step 1: Submit Application (Application Form / Necessary Documents / Application Fees)
Step 2: Documents Submitted will be verified with the concerned authority or board.
Step 3: Credential are evaluated and based on the the applications are short listed.
Step 4: Scholarship Committee decides, the amount of scholarship to award.
Step 5: Scholarship amount is send to the concerned University / Institute on behalf of the applicant as the course fees.

Last Date: 31 AUGUST 2011 for the following courses:

  • School Course in India
  • UG / PG Diploma Course in India
  • Graduation Course in India
  • Graduation Course in M.B.B.S / B.E. / B.Tech in India
  • Post Graduate Course in India
  • PhD / M. Phil Course in India
  • C.A. / C.S. / Interior / Fashion Course in India
OPEN THROUGH OUT THE YEAR for the following courses
  • UG / PG Diploma Course Outside India
  • Graduation Course Outside India
  • Graduation Course in M.B.B.S / B.E. / B.Tech Outside India
  • Post Graduate Course Outside India
  • PhD / M. Phil Course Outside India
For more details Click here

The Islamic Development Bank Undergraduate Scholarships

Scholarship Description: 
The objective of the program is to provide opportunities for the academically meritorious and financially needy students to pursue study in professional degree courses in the fields of Medicine, Engineering, Agriculture and other related fields in order to become competent professionals with dedication and commitment to the development of the community and the country.

The scholarship is open to the students who are meritorious but financially needy and have passed SSC (10+2) examination and are desirous to pursue undergraduate professional studies in session 2011-2012 in one of the fields of study approved under the program.

The Master Degree Courses and the students going abroad for study do not fall within the purview of the program. Students joining Degree Courses after Diploma will not be considered for scholarship.

To Qualify for Scholarships, Students should meet the following Requirements:
  • Have secured minimum 60% marks in English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Mathematics in SSC (10+2) examination except for Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamilnadu who should have 70% in the aggregate in above four subjects.
  • Applicants for bachelor courses in BBA + MBA (integrated course) 4 years and LAW have scored minimum 60% marks in English and optional/elective subjects in SSC (10+2).
  • Age not over 24 years and not in receipt of any other scholarship.
  • Students or his/her parents are financially weak and unable to pay for his/her education. Students opting for payment seats need not apply.
  • Students benefiting from this scholarship must undertake to serve his/her community and country on completion of their studies for a period not less than the duration of the scholarship.

Last date to apply: 05th August 2011 

For more details Click here

Scholarships and Fellowships to pursue Engineering 

  1. International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore 
    About 25 scholarships from Siemens, ABB, Intel, Infosys and NXP are offered. The students get Rs. 200,000 spread over the 2 years there by getting complete refund of entire tuition fee.
  2. Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad 
    1. Merit-cum-Means Scholarship offered to 25% of students enrolled in each course with full free ship (exemption from tuition fees) and an amount Rs. 800 per month.
    2. Merit-cum-means free ship to 10% of students enrolled in each course. First year students are shortlisted on basis of qualifying exam with a minimum score of 60%.
  3. Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal 
    1. AICTE Scholarship for women, economically backward and physically handicapped meritorious students. The proposed scheme is applicable only to those students whose parents’ annual income is less than Rs. 2.5 lakhs. Such scholarships will not exceed 10% of the total intake.
    2. ISLE Scholarship: The Indian Society of Lighting Engineers offers two scholarships to the students of final year BE (E&E) branch, every year. These scholarships are sponsored by Philips India Ltd., Bajaj Electricals Ltd. and Thorn Lighting India.
    3. Maulana Azad National Scholarship Scheme: Offers scholarships to meritorious girl students belonging to national minorities (ie. Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs). Eligibility: Minimum 55% aggregate in 10+2 and the income of the parent should be less than Rs. 1 lakh per annum.
  4. Christ University, Bangalore 
    • Merit Scholarship: Awarded in September each year. The scholarship is decided on the merit of pre-entry marks, mid-semester test and attendance in regular classes during the first year of graduation. For the consecutive years it will be decided on the basis of his/her performance in one end-semester and two mid-semester examinations of each year.
    • Alumni Association Scholarships: Alumni Association of Christ University also helps economically weak students through the Alumni Fund.
  5. Graphic Era Institute of Technology, Dehradun 
    Gyan Jyoti Scholarship: Merit scholarship offered to top 3 students in each semester
  6. International Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad 
    Merit Scholarships to toppers in each specialty every year, based on their past performance at the Institute. Students from economically weaker sections of the society (those having income less than Rs. 1 Lakh per year), are granted scholarships from the Ministry of Social welfare.

  7. International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad 
    Pratibha scholarship: Offered by Andhra Pradesh government, these are available to IIIT students who come from the state and whose parent’s annual income is within 1 lakh.
  8. Koneru Laksmaiah College of Engineering, Guntur 
    1. Scholarships offered in following manner to students who secure various positions in KLU EEE
      • 100% fee waiver: Students securing position between 1st to 10th rank
      • Rs. 70,000 fee waiver for students who secure position between 11th to 25th rank
      • Rs. 50,000 fee waiver for students who secure position between 26th to 50th rank
    2. Scholarships offered in following manner to students who secure various positions in EAMCET:
      100% fee waiver: Students securing position between 1st to 100th rank
      Rs. 70,000 fee waiver for students who secure position between 101th to 500th rank
      Rs. 50,000 fee waiver for those who secure position between 501th to 1000th rank 
    3. Scholarships offered in following manner to students who secure various positions in in AIEEE
      • 100% fee waiver: Students securing position between 1st to 1000th rank
      • Rs. 70,000 fee waiver for students who secure position between 1001th to 5000th rank
      • Rs. 50,000 fee waiver for students who secure position between 5001th to 15000th rank
    4. Scholarships offered in following manner to students who secure various positions in IIT-JEE
      100% fee waiver: Students securing position in 1st to 2000th rank
      Rs. 70,000 fee waiver for students who secure position in 2001th to 5000th rank
      Rs. 50,000 fee waiver for students who secure position upto Extended Merit List 10000 
    5. 100% fee waiver to students who secure top 10 ranks in any state/central board exam at 10+2 level.
  9. KIIT, Bhubaneswar 
    Pradyumna Bal Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to two economically challenged but meritorious students and they are provided completely free education along with ancillary expenses.
  10. Manav Rachana International University, Faridabad 
    Scholarships for an amount equivalent to 5% of the tuition fee to be awarded to approximately 10 % of the students admitted in the programme in following categories:
    • Meritorious students
    • Sports persons at National/International level
    • Wards of Army/Paramilitary/Police personnel
    • Students who have been diagnosed with Thalassemia major
  11. National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal 
    1. Scholarships offered to meritorious BTech (Dairy Technology) students who need financial assistance. This provision is utilised to assist as many students as possible who have good academic record and are making diligent efforts to pursue higher education.
    2. The National Talent Scholarship (NTS): Rs. 1000 per month awarded by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) on merit provided that the domicile of the candidate is other than Haryana State
  12. Jaypee Institute of Information Technology 
    Scholarships to meritorious students: The Management has approved that students who take admission in the first year of the 4-year UG program w.e.f academic session 2008-09, at any of the three Institutes i.e., JIIT (Noida), JUIT (Waknaghat) or JIET (Guna) with an overall All India Rank of less than 1000 in AIEEE exam conducted by CBSE, shall be provided free education for the entire duration of under graduate programme.
  13. Satyabhama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai 
    1. Every semester five students from each section are awarded with scholarship based on their academic performance.
    2. 15% of total fees are waived for students from economically/socially backward sections and physically challenged persons. Fee concession is also given to students who participate in national/state-level sporting events.
  14. SRM Engineering College, Chennai 
    1. SRM Founder’s Scholarships: Full fee waiver of tuition, hostel, mess, plus stipend of Rs. 1000 per month offered to:
      Top State rankers in school final
      Top rankers in SRMEE, JEE and AIEEE
      Exemplary Sports persons at National and International level 
    2. Merit Scholarship: For students who have secured above 90% in CBSE or above 95 % in state board examinations and are ranked amongst the top 8000 in SRMEEE, scholarship up to 50% of tuition fee waiver. The quantum and number varies from time to time.
    3. Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship (Socio - economic disdained): Scholarship, 25% to 100% tuition fee waiver, is offered to students who are economically challenged, based on their performance in the qualifying examination.
    4. Scholarship for minority community: Scholarship, 25% to 100% tuition fee waiver, is offered to students of minority communities based on the performance of students in the qualifying examination.
    5. Scholarship for Physically challenged/Differently-abled: Scholarship with full tuition fee waiver is offered to select students who are physically challenged/differently abled.
    6. Scholarship for Special Merits: Scholarship with tuition fee waiver up to 100% is offered to select students possessing exemplary skills in literary debating, fine arts and others.
  15. St Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai: 
    Merit Scholarship for first year students in the following manner: 
    • 100% tuition fee waiver to students securing above 90% in +2 examination
    • 75% tuition fee waiver to students securing above 85% in +2 examination
    • 50% tuition fee waiver to students securing above 80% in +2 examination
    • 25% tuition fee waiver to students securing above 75% in +2 examination
  16. Vel tech Rangarajan Dr Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai 
    1. 100% scholarships: To top three BTech applicants from each State in India (subject to having secured a minimum of 60% average in +2 examination) and to top applicant from each Union Territory of full exemption from tuition fees and free boarding and lodging for four years.
    2. 50% scholarship: The University also offers merit scholarship to top 100 BTech students with 50% concession in tuition fees.
  17. Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore 
    IGNITE scholarships: Offered to students with a waiver of tuition fees for entire 4 years on following basis:
      100% tuition fee waiver for top three HSc exam rank holders in each state
    • 100% for top 50 VITEEE students
    • 50% tuition fee waiver for students ranked 51-100 in VITEEE
  18. Vignan’s Foundation of Science, Technology & Research, Guntur 
    Scholarship for top 5% rank holders of each class are eligible for 100% fee waiver during 2nd, 3rd and final year

National Talent Search Awards by (NCERT) 
Scholarships: 1000. 

Level of Study: Senior Secondary (+ 2).

The NCERT under its National Talent Search Scheme awards scholarships. The purpose of the Scheme is to identify brilliant students at the end of class X and give them financial assistance towards getting good education so that their talent may develop further and they may serve the discipline as well as the country.

All students studying in class X in recognised schools are eligible to appear at the State Level examination from the State in which the institution is located. As National Talent Search scholarships are given for studies starting from class XI, students who may have appeared in class X annual examination latest by May of a particular year are eligible for appearing in the National Talent Search examination which is normally held on the second Sunday of May every year. Those students who are seeking admission to class XI (in July) of a particular year are eligible for taking the second level examination in May of the same year.

The procedure consists of two-stage selection through 
(a) State Level Examination; and 
(b) National Level Examination. Selected candidates are informed after National Level Test and interview.


State Level Examination: 
Each State/UT is required to recommend a given number of candidates for the second level test to be conducted by the NCERT. This number is based on the enrolment of States/UTs at the secondary stage. The candidates are to be recommended on the basis of merit in the written examination. The screening examination is normally conducted by the States/ UTs during December each year. The exact date is advertised/published at an appropriate time. State Level examination may have two parts; Part I Mental Ability Test (MAT) and Part II Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The State may however modify the content and the procedure for the first stage selection test. The State level merit list candidates are eligible for National Level Test.

National Level Examination
The second stage selection involves both written examination (MAT and SAT) and face-to-face-interview for the award of the scholarship.

Students of Indian nationality and studying abroad. Candidates at the Class X level may compete for Talent Search Awards under the following conditions:

  • The Indian students studying abroad are exempted from the first level screening test.
  • A candidate has to appear in the NTS examination in India.
  • A candidate should have obtained 60% marks in the qualifying exam (X Std) 
  • A candidate can apply in the prescribed form supplied by the NCERT which should reach the Head, Department of Measurement, Evaluation, Survey Data Processing, NCERT, New Delhi 110 016, latest by 31st March each year.
  • A candidate has to attend an interview in India at his/her own cost.
  • Scholarship, if selected is paid for pursuing studies in India only.
The awardees studying in Basic/Social Sciences are eligible to receive scholarship up to PhD level whereas the awardees studying professional courses in medicine/engineering are eligible to receive scholarship up to second degree.

Whom to contact: 
For further details and application forms you may contact the National Council of Educational Research and Training
Sri Aurobindo Marg
New Delhi 110016
Director of Education, State
UT Govemment

For more details Click here

 Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY)

The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India offers attractive fellowship and contingency grants in Basic Science, Engineering and Medicine. Selection to the programme is competitive and takes into account academic excellence and demonstrated interests in pursuing research. The selection is open to all Indian Nationals studying in India. Selection procedures are different for Basic sciences, Engineering and Medicine. All of them, however, include a national level interview for final selection.

Eligibility and Fellowships:

Basic Sciences: (up to 120 Fellowships)
Students completing X Standard. Having a minimum aggregate of 75% marks in Science subjects in X Standard Board Examination or equivalent and choosing Science subject at plus 2 level.

Selection to the programme is competitive and will take into account academic excellence and demonstrated interests in pursuing research. The selection is open to all Indian nationals currently studying in India. Each stream has its own selection procedure. All of them however include a national level interview for final selection.

Application Forms: 
Each stream has a different application form. Students who wish to apply for the Fellowship in both Basic Sciences and Engineering must submit separate requisitions. Each requisition must clearly indicate the stream applied for and be accompanied by a DD of requisite amount drawn in favour of SID A/c KVPY payable at Bangalore along with two self addressed labels to:

The Convenor
Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore-560 012

For more details Click here
SHDF Scholarships for Professional College Courses 2011-12

Shdf Scholarships for Professional College Courses 2011-12

Up to Rs. 24,000 per year per student plus incentives to Toppers On behalf of the Sikh Human Development Foundation, Inc. U.S.A (SHDF), the Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council (Regd.), New Delhi invites applications for Scholarships from students in recognized Colleges and Universities pursuing Professional degree & diploma courses, like Engineering, IT, medical, Nursing, Home Science, Architecture, Agriculture, Business Management, B.Ed., Journalism, CA etc.

Eligibility criteria: (i) Minimum 60% marks in the previous examination; and (ii) average family income not exceeding Rs. 12,500/- per month (Rs. 1,50,000 per year).

Last Date: April 15, 2011

For more details Click here

Suhilhari school scholarships for School Students

Suhilhari School Offers 50 Lakhs Scholarships Suhilhari International Residential School plans to offer total-care scholarship to students getting admitted to VI-XII grades. It will be based on their existing performance.

Students will be given "TOTAL CARE SCHOLARSHIP" comprehensive of
1.Tuition fees,
2.Hostel facility,
3.Hospital charges,
4.Uniform, Laundry.

If the students enhance their performance to 90% in the coming half yearly exams the School will opt to foot their travelling expenses to meet their parents during holidays.

The school follows CBSE pattern till 10th and State Board for +10+2 Eligible

students can approach the School for further information at
Ramarajya Campus, Kelambakkam, Chennai, 603103.
Phone 044-27474050/044-27474351

For more details Click here

Amul Vidya Bhushan Award

Amul presents the “The Amul Vidya Bhushan Award”, India’s first of its kind award that recognizes and rewards academic excellence at the Class XII level across India.

The awards includes: 

  • Trophy
  • Citation
  • A Gift hamper of books
  • The winner will be featured in one of India’s leading newspaper and will get national recognition.
Terms and Conditions: 
  • Application for Awards must be made by the Principal of the school as per the application form.
  • To be eligible for the Amul Vidya Bhushan Award, the student must have passed Class XII in the current academic year at the State or Central Board Examinations in any medium and must have scored the highest aggregate marks in the school.
For more details visit:


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