Educational Loans offered by Various Banks in India to Eligible Students Studying in India and Abroad

Allahabad Bank


You can avail of the attractive education loan scheme if you have secured admission to or are already studying in any of the country's IIMs or IITs or in any of the designated institutes.


You are eligible for the education loan if you fulfill the following criteria: A student who has secured admission or is already studying in any IIM, IIT, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management, Mumbai, XLRI Jamshedpur, Rookie Engineering College or Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad.

Amount of Loan:

The loan will be in the form of a package which will cover entire tuition fees, hostel and mess charges, library fees or any other fees / charges payable to the institution subject to a maximum of Rs 2.50 lacs

Period of loans:

Loans repayable In 48 Equated Monthly Installment (EMI).The EMI will commence one year after the completion of the course or whenever is earlier. The interest, however, will be realized during the pendency of the loan on a quarterly basis.

Loan Amount Interest Rate:

  • Loans upto Rs.4 lacs (In India) 12.5% pa, SBMTLR presently 12.00 % p.a
  • Loans above Rs 4 lacs 1% above SBMTLR presently 13.5 % p.a
  • Tenures: Minimum of 12 months to a maximum of 48 months


Delhi Tel: 3341152, Bangalore Tel: 2261599, Chennai Tel: 8282206, 8230267, Hyderabad Tel: 7637738, Kolkata Tel: 2401529, Mumbai Tel: 4923246.

Andhra Bank

Maximum Amount for India : Rs 100000

Maximum Amount Overseas: Rs 500000.

Documents to be submitted: Bank documents, Academic records.

Interest Rate in India :

Upto 4,00,000…………………………………12%,
Above Rs 4,00,000……………………………13.5% pa..

Interest Rate for Overseas:

Loans Upto 400000…………………………….12%,
Above Rs 400000……………………………….13.5% pa.
Collateral and Third Party Guarantee are required.


Maximum of 5 years.


1st class marks in previous exams and selected for professional course.
Repayment 1 year after completion of course or 3 months after getting a job whichever is earlier.

When to Apply:

After getting Admission in college/institute.

Time taken to process documents:

1 Week


Delhi Tel: 3350248, Bangalore Tel: 2242932, Chennai Tel: 4991868, 4994294, Hyderabad Tel: 4756023-25, Kolkata Tel: 2471359, Mumbai Tel: 2046160, 2047620.

Bank of Baroda

Period of loans:

5 years Purpose: Tuition fees Library/Other institution charges Hostel/Mess charges Travel expenses abroad (one way only).

Amount of loan:

For studies in India : Rs. 550,000 for studies abroad: Rs.1.5 million

Interest rate:

Depending on the loan amount with maximum of 13.77%
Margin Required: Maximum 15%, depending on the loan amount. 20% of the loan amount in case of abroad studies

Period of loan:

The loans are to be repaid starting from 6 months after course completion or 1 year after getting a job.


Delhi Tel: 3321562, 3325147, Bangalore Tel: 5586137, 5595347, Chennai Tel: 8283652, Hyderabad Tel: 3237760, 3230450, 3230368, Kolkata Tel: 4754047, Mumbai Tel: 2656727.

Bank of India

Vidya Vardhini Scheme


Pursuit of studies In India and abroad.

Approved Courses:

Graduate and post-graduate courses in engineering, computer technology, medicine etc. All vocational courses/job oriented diploma courses, recognized by govt and universities. Similar courses pursued in universities abroad. Full time post graduate research in any of the afore said subjects.


Should be a citizen of India . For vocational training courses and job oriented course age of the individual should be between 15-28 years, and 18-30 in case of post graduate courses and/or studies abroad. The applicant should have a good academic record. For studies abroad, the candidate should have secured admission in a particular university after having appeared in the specific entrance examinations. The applicant should have secured a minimum of 50% marks in the major subject. In case of SC/ST candidates eligibility norms may be relaxed.

Amount of loan:

The loan could vary depending on the specific subject requirement. For studies abroad Rs15 lakhs. For studies in India Rs 7.5lakhs.


Upto Rs 4lakhs –nil,
For Studies in India- 5%,
For studies abroad-15%.


Within 15 years from the first date of disbursement, including moratorium period.


Delhi-Tel: 3312654, 3311557, Bangalore-Tel: 2212485, 2271130, Chennai-Tel: 8270041, 8276143, Hyderabad-Tel: 3315263, 3324487, Kolkata-Tel: 2481973, 2485703, Mumbai-Tel: 2023020.

Bank of Maharastra


  • Should have secure admission for in School/College/Institute.
  • Maximum Amount for India : Rs 200000.
  • Maximum Amount Overseas: Rs 750000.

Documents to be submitted:

Pass Certificate of Previous School/University/Institute

Time to Process:

A Fortnight

Interest Rate

India …………………. 13.75%
Collateral and Third Party Guarantee required


Maximum of 5 years


Delhi Tel: 3321754, Bangalore Tel: 2264997, Chennai Tel: 4364410, Hyderabad Tel: 7843238 Kolkata Tel: 2203996, 2207122, Mumbai Tel: 2661295, 2652595

Bank of Rajasthan


  • Good academic records and selection for the course.
  • Maximum Amount for India : Rs 150000.
  • Maximum Amount Overseas: Rs 300000.

Documents to be submitted:

Mark sheet, proof of admission, and proof of cost of course.

Time to Process:

A Fortnight

Interest Rate

India…………………. Upto Rs 25000………………………….12.75%
From Rs 25000 to Rs 200000:………..14%

Abroad ……………….Upto Rs 25000………………………..12.75%
From Rs 25000 to Rs 200000………14%
Above Rs 200000 ……………………16%.


Till completion of course


3 to 5 years or earlier.


Delhi Tel: 5712934, 5729817, Bangalore Tel: 2265436, 2260540, Chennai Tel: 5383416, Hyderabad Tel: 4705920, 4743684, Kolkata Tel: 2201892, 2207912, Mumbai Tel: 2870307

Catholic Syrian Bank


  • Minimum ages 21 years having 60% marks throughout and have admission approval.
  • Maximum Amount for India : Rs 500000.
  • Maximum Amount Overseas: Rs 500000.

Documents to be submitted:

Academic Records and admission approval.

Time to Process:

1 Week

Interest Rate

In India …………….Upto Rs 200000 ……………. 14% pa,
Above Rs 200000 ……………16% pa.

For Overseas…….Upto Rs 200000 ………………..14% pa,
Above Rs 200000……………….16% pa.
Collateral needed if loan is above Rs 25000
Third Party Guarantee is also required.

Age :

Between 21 years to 65 years.


Maximum 40 months.


Maximum after 3 months of completion of course or the date of joining of job which ever earlier


Delhi Tel: 3715951, 3328747, Bangalore Tel: 8462878, Chennai Tel: 8526397, 8520125 Hyderabad Tel: 3203112, 3202985, Kolkata Tel: 2381455, 2482713, Mumbai Tel: 2660239, 2665641.

Central Bank

Cent Vidyarthi Scheme

Purpose :

Aims at bringing Education within the reach of students and help them improve their prospects in life.

Courses Approved:

For pursuing Graduate/Post-Graduate, Management/Job-oriented courses, Professional Courses of recognized Universities / reputed Institutes, Computer courses conducted by NIIT, APTECH, CMC, C-DAC with duration of one year and more.

For pursuing Post-Graduate course in Science, Technology, Medicine, Engineering, Management courses, Law, Accountancy leading to Master's degree or Post-Graduate Diploma in recognized University abroad.


Should have consistent good academic record in previous examinations with marks over 60 % in 10 th. & 12th or first grade in other cases. (For SC/ST Second class will be sufficient).

Amount of Loan:

  • India Upto Rs.7.50 lakh
  • Abroad Upto Rs.15 lakh


Up to Rs.4 lakh …………………………. No Margin
Over Rs.4 lakh - In India ………………..5%
Studies Abroad……………………………15%
(Relaxation of loans upto Rs.50, 000/-for SC/ST)

Rate of interest:

Upto Rs.4 lakh…………………….PLR
Above Rs.4 lakh…………………..PLR + 1%

Dena Bank

Dena Vidya Laxmi Education Loan Scheme

Courses approved :

a. Studies in India :

School education including plus 2 stages.

Graduation courses:

BA, B.COM. B.Sc., etc.

Post Graduation courses:

Masters& PhD.

Professional courses:

Engineering, Medical, Agriculture, Veterinary, Law, Dental, Management, Computer etc.
Computer certificate courses of reputed institutes accredited to Dept. of Electronics or institutes affiliated to university.
Courses like ICWA , CA , CFA etc.
Courses conducted by IIMS, IISc, IIT, and XLRI,NIFT etc.
Courses offered in India by reputed foreign universities.
Evening courses of approved institutes.
Other courses leading to diploma/ degree etc. Conducted by colleges, universities approved by UGC/ Govt/AICTE/ AIBMS/ICMR etc.
Courses offered by National Institutes and other reputed private institutions. [Banks may have the system of appraising other institution courses depending on future prospects/recognition by user institutions.]

b. Studies abroad:


For job oriented professional technical courses offered by reputed universities.

Post graduation:

  • MCA, MBA , MS , etc.
  • Courses conducted by CIMA- Loan on, CPA in USA etc.


The student should be:
An Indian National,
Have secured admission to professional/ technical courses through Entrance Test /Selection process.
Secured admission to foreign university/Institutions.


Up to Rs.4 lakh …………………………. No Margin
Over Rs.4 lakh - In India ………………..5%
Studies Abroad……………………………15%
(Relaxation of loans upto Rs.50, 000/-for SC/ST)

Amount of loan:

Need based finance subject to repaying capacity of the parents/students with margin and the following ceilings.
Studies in India - Maximum Rs.7.50 lacs.
Studies abroad - Maximum Rs.15 lacs.

Rate of Interest:

  • Upto Rs.4 lacs: PLR
  • Above Rs.4 lacs: PLR + 1%

Period of loan :

Repayment holiday/ Moratorium: Course period + 1 year or 6 months after getting job, whichever is earlier.

Completion of course may be permitted for a maximum period of 2 years. If the student is not able to complete the course for reasons beyond his control, Sanctioning Authority may, at his discretion, consider such extensions as may be deemed necessary to complete the course.

The accrued interest during the repayment holiday period to be added to the principal and repayment in Equated Monthly Installments (EMI) is fixed.

1% interest concession may be provided for loaners if interest is serviced during the study period when repayment holiday is specified for Interest/repayment under the scheme.

Procressing Charges

No processing/upfront charges are charged by the bank on Educational loans.


Delhi Tel: 5724837, 5730400, Bangalore Tel: 6345563, Chennai Tel: 4310542, 4330438, Hyderabad Tel: 5505081, Kolkata Tel: 2472278, 2473860, Mumbai Tel: 2181231, 2189155.

Federal Bank Limited

Federal Vidya Loan Scheme

Purpose :

The purpose of the loan is to make available financial assistance to the needy and deserving students of bright academic record so as to enable them to continue higher studies in India or Abroad either in diploma/graduation or post-graduation level in Arts, Science, Commerce, Management, Medicine and Engineering.

Eligibility :

Under this scheme the loan can be sanctioned to any student of Indian nationality who intends to join any of the approved courses in an Educational Institution recognized by the government or any University in India or Abroad.

Courses Approved :

A - Category

Academic courses such as Diploma, Graduate/Post-Graduate courses in Arts,
Science and Commerce etc.,

B - Category

Professional courses such as Diploma, Graduate/Post-Graduate courses in
Engineering, Medicine, Dental Science, Agricultural Science, Veterinary Science,
Computer Science, Nursing, Pharmacy, Business administration, Law etc.,

Type of Loan :

The loan account shall be operated as a term loan. To facilitate flexibility in operation, future debits on account of recurring expenses in each semester/year can be made to this account.

Margin :

The margin is NIL for courses in India . For foreign studies a minimum margin of 10% is to be insisted on.

Amount of Loan Minimum Maximum :
(Rs in Lakhs)

In India 0.50 to 5.00 lacs

Abroad 0.50 to 10.00 lacs

Rate of Interest :

Upto Rs.5 lakhs……………….13.5 % Above Rs.5 lakhs……………..14.5 %

Period of Loan

The period of the loan consists of the period required for the completion of the course and that meant for repayment of the loan. The repayment should begin within 12 months on the completion of the course or after the student secures employment whichever is earlier.

Maximum period of the loan……………….11 Years

Minimum period………………………………3 Years.


HDFC Bank Educational Loans

Purpose :

HDFC gives loans to students to partly meet their educational expenses / costs for pursuing specific higher educational courses at institutes approved by HDFC. Loans are given to students who are citizens of India . The student should have a consistently good academic record, and admission to an approved Educational Institute for pursuing a recognized course.

Eligibility :

Students enrolled with an approved Educational Institute and desirous of availing the education loan can make an application, with the earning parent / guardian being the co-applicant to the loan. Currently, new entrants and existing students of only select leading national educational institutions are eligible to apply for education loans. Please check with your nearest HDFC Office for the list of approved institutions.

Amount of loan :

Loans can be availed upto a maximum of 90% of the total cost as determined by HDFC. The costs would generally cover expenses incurred towards the course fee, library charges, hostel and mess charges, cost of books and equipment. HDFC lends upto a maximum of Rs. 2, 00,000 on an Education Loan.

The period of the loan :

Is determined on the merits of each case but would not exceed 5 years. The repayment can be accelerated on completion of the course, considering the earning capacity of the student. HDFC's main concern is to help individuals comfortably repay the borrowed amount.

Loan Amount (Rs.):

Upto 2, 00,000

Rate of Interest - % p.a.: 14.0

Contact :

Delhi Tel: 6103146, 6185944, Bangalore Tel: 2274600, 2219473, Chennai Tel: 8553838, Hyderabad Tel: 3233875, Kolkata Tel: 2478256, Mumbai Tel: 2820282


Purpose :

IDBI has structured a loan facility for Professional / Management / Foreign University education.

Courses approved Indian Universities :

For Professional Courses i.e. B.E., B.Tech., M.B.B.S. Post Graduate Courses i.e. M.E., M.Tech., M.S., M.D., M.B.A., M.C.A., etc. recognized by AICTEFor part time / on-line distance learning courses (subject to terms & conditions)

Foreign Universities :

For Graduate/Post Graduate/Research/Doctorate studies that insist on TOEFL, GRE, GMAT scores.

Eligibility Indian Universities :

  • For Graduate courses: at least 75% in the +2 stage.
  • For Post Graduate Courses: first class graduates.

Foreign Universities :

Proof of TOEFL, GMAT, GRE score card, and 1-20 admit card.

Age of the applicant should not be more than 30 years for Indian Universities and 35 for Foreign Universities. Age of the parent / Guarantors should be below 55 Years. The annual income of the family should not be less than Rs. 3 lakhs.

Amount of loan :

For Indian Universities, actual tuition and other fees, but not exceeding Rs 5 Lakh for the entire duration of the course.

For Foreign Universities, considering that in addition to fees, there are travels / preparatory expenses, the loan amount shall not exceed Rs. 15 Lakh, in all.

  • Interest rates :
  • Long term Prime Lending Rate + 1% p.a. + taxes
  • Processing Fees: Rs. 1000 at application, and Rs. 500 p.a. there after
  • Cost of documentation / legal expenses at actual

Period of loans :

  • Graduate Studies: Maximum moratorium period of 5 years including the actual duration of the course. After which the loan should be repaid within the next 3 years.
  • Post Graduate Studies: Moratorium period of 2 years i.e. the course duration. Loan repayment within the next 3 years.
  • No prepayment penalties levied.
  • In fact, there are incentives for prompt repayment. Like refund of the entire processing fee, if not a single installment is missed/delayed.

Indian Bank

For Studies in India - Scheme Highlights

Purpose :

To meet the cost of education covering tuition fees, Exam fees, Development fees, Hostel fees, books, instruments etc.

Approved courses:

Computer Courses: Part-time/Full-time in Institutes approved by Government of India (Department of Electronics)
Duration of the course: Minimum - 12 months Maximum - 48 months

Amount of loan :

  • For Computer Courses: Maximum: Rs.1.00 lac
  • For other professional courses: Maximum: Rs.3.50 lacs

Margin :

Upto Rs.2.00 lacs : 10%Upto Rs.3.50 lacs : 15%

Rate of Interest: Upto Rs.2.00 lacs: 12%Above Rs.2.00 lacs upto Rs.3.50 lacs : PLR +1% (i.e. 13.5%)

Period of loan :

Initial holiday period of 6 months after the completion of the course or immediately on getting a job whichever is earlier
For limits upto Rs.1.00 lac : 42 monthsFor limits upto Rs.3.40 lacs : 60 months

For Studies Abroad - Scheme Highlights

Course of Study :

Any Graduate/Post-graduate courses with good employment prospects. The period of study should not exceed 5 years

Amount of loan :

Maximum - Rs.10.00 lacs.

Margin :

Upto Rs.5.00 lacs : 15%Above Rs.5.00 lacs : 25%

Rate of Interest:

PLR + 1.5% (i.e. 14%)

Period of loans :

Interest to be serviced every quarter. Repayment of principal to commence 6 months after the completion of the course or immediately on getting a job whichever is earlier. For limits upto Rs.10.00 lacs - Maximum 96 monthss

Indian Overseas Bank

Eligibility :

  • Should have a good academic record.
  • Maximum Amount for India : Rs 200000
  • Maximum Amount Overseas: Rs 600000

Documents to be submitted :

Mark sheets, addmission approval, address proof, photgraph, income proof.

Time to Process :

1 Week

Interest Rate
In India ………………………………Upto Rs 400000…………………. 12% pa
Above Rs 400000…………………13% pa.
For Overseas ……………………..Upto Rs 400000 ………………….. 12% pa
above Rs 400000……………………13% pa.
Collateral and Third Party guarantee required.

Tenures :

Maximum of five years

Repayment :

Maximum after 3 months of completion of course or the date of joining of job which ever earlier.

Contact :

Delhi Tel: 3362003, Bangalore Tel: 2266207, Chennai Tel: 8524142, Hyderabad Tel: 4755324, Kolkata Tel: 2299700, Mumbai Tel: 2182226

Karnataka Bank


Admission approval with previous satisfactory academic record.
Maximum Amount for India : Rs 800000
Maximum Amount Overseas: Rs 1000000

Documents to be submitted:

Previous academic record and admission approval.

Time to Process : Nearly a Month

Interest Rate India …………………………… Upto Rs 200000………13.5% pa

Above 200000…………. 15.5% pa

Abroad………………………….Upto Rs 200000……..... 13.5% pa

Above 200000………….. 15.5% pa

Collateral and Third party Guarantee required.

Tenures : Eight Years

Repayment :

At the end of completion of the course.


Delhi Tel: 3341426, 3360872, Bangalore Tel: 3350525, Chennai Tel: 5342459, 5342092, Hyderabad Tel: 3202102, 3201029, Kolkata Tel: 2472181, 2475737, Mumbai Tel: 2663725, 2663256.

State Bank of Hyderabad

Purpose :

For pursuing studies in recognized schools/ colleges/ institutions to meet: - Tuition and other fees.

Maintenance costs, books and equipment etc.

Cost of passage (for studies abroad).

Eligibility :

For School / College education in India.

  • Minimum second division (Pass marks for SC/ST).
  • Parents / guardians (Including persons engaged in agriculture / allied activities having independent regular source of income.

Loan Amount :

  • School / College education in India : (Upto 6 times the monthly net (take home) income of the parents / guardian. Minimum loan of Rs. 4,000/- Maximum Rs. 1lac.
  • Technical / Professional higher studies in India and Abroad 90% of the cost of study, subject to maximum of Rs. 8lacs.

Margin………………………….. 10%

Interest Rate :

At competitive rates on reducing balance only. Please check-up for latest rates at your nearest branch Interest is compounded at quarterly basis.

Period of Loan :

  • For School / College Education in India : Loans to be repaid in a period of 36months, commencing immediately after disbursal, by the parents / guardian.
  • For Technical / Professional higher studies in India and abroad: The loan is to be repaid is 60 months after the completion of the course of securing job, whichever is earlier. Regular periodic repayment as much as possible should be made during the period of study. Quarterly interest should be paid regularly.
  • Permitted without any penalty.

State Bank of Mysore


SBM, Founded by Sir.M.Visweahwaraya, has framed a scheme for the Professional in the field of medicine for pursuing higher studies in recognized university / institutions in India/Abroad.

To Meet :

  1. Tuition and other fees.
  2. Maintenance Cost / Hostel Fees.
  3. Cost of Books and Equipment.
  4. Cost of Passage (for studies abroad).

Pre Requisite :

  1. Admission offer from any Recognized University .
  2. Details of income of Parent / Guardian.

Margin :

10% of the total cost.

Interest :

Compounded at quarterly intervals on reducing balance.

Repayment :

The loan to be repaid in 48 months installments after completion of the course or securing a Job whichever earlier.

Security :

Security consisting of any of the following:
Government securities, UTI Bonds, NSC's, LIC Policies, Bank Deposits of equitable Mortgage of immovable property. Third party guarantee, if is insufficient.

Oriental Bank of Commerce

Must have obtained admission in a reputed institute in India or abroad.

Repayment :

  • After completion of course.
  • Maximum Amount for India : Rs 750000.
  • Maximum Amount Overseas: Rs 1500000.

Documents to be submitted :

Admission slip, residence proof, age proof, letter from institute.

Time to Process: A Fortnight

Interest Rate :

In India ………….Upto Rs 400000 …………. 11.5%

Above Rs 400000 …………12.5%

For Overseas ……Upto Rs 400000…………... 11.5%

Above Rs 400000 …………12.5%

Collateral and Third Party Guarantee required.

Tenures: Maximum of Seven Years


Delhi Tel: 3316777 ,Bangalore Tel: 2219762, 2219767 ,Chennai Tel: 8522940, 8550068 Hyderabad Tel: 3201803, 3201298 , Kolkata Tel: 2821514, 2294823,Mumbai Tel: 2189286.

Punjab National Bank

Vidya Lakshyapurti Education Loan Scheme

Purpose :

PNB's Education Loan Scheme is designed to provide better educational opportunities to bright and needy students and brings within their reach all types of education (general, professional, technical and vocational courses).

The scheme enables all types of needy students of plus 2 stage, graduation courses, post graduation courses, Masters & PhDs, professional, technical , engineering, medical, veterinary, law, dental, management, computer, vocational courses, courses like ICWA,CA,CFA, courses conducted by IIMS,IIT,IISc,NIFT, courses offered in India by reputed foreign universities and all other types of courses offered by Govt./Semi-Govt/private institutions in order to meet the costs for their studies in India and abroad.

Such courses would include regular, part time and correspondence courses. The costs include admission fees, books & stationery, instruments required for the course, monthly fees, examination fees, insurance premium for policy on life of the borrowing student, caution deposit/building fund/refundable deposit supported by bills/receipts, expenses like study tours/project work/thesis etc.

Eligibility :

1) Indian nationals, in the age group of 16-40 years. For part time computer courses, applicants in the age group of 16-45 years are eligible. Applicants, whose guardians have been appointed by the court, should not be less than 21 years; such students should have already passed at least one public examination.

2) Students who have scored pass marks in their last qualifying examination and have secured admission in the courses mentioned above.

3) The parents/guardian should have regular source of income to the extent that they are able to repay the loan in case of need/unforeseen circumstances. There is no stipulation of ceiling on annual income of the parents/guardians.

4) Employed persons intending to better their prospects can also avail loan for improving their educational qualifications and/or receive training in modern technology in India / abroad provided the education/training received by them in India/abroad affords prospects for their better employment. For such persons, 'NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE' from their employers is a pre-requisite.

Amount of Loan :

This is co-related to expenses involved in taking up the course and the expected earnings after qualifying, subject to a maximum of……..

For studies in India : Rs. 7.50 lacs,

For studies abroad : Rs.15.00 lacs.

State Bank Of India

A term loan granted to Indian Nationals for pursuing higher education in India or abroad where admission has been secured.s

Eligible Courses :

All courses having employment prospects are eligible.

a . Graduation courses/ Post graduation courses/ Professional courses

b . Other courses approved by UGC/Government/AICTE etc.

Expenses considered for loan :

  1. Fees payable to college/school/hostel.
  2. Examination/Library/Laboratory fees.
  3. Purchase of Books/Equipment/Instruments/Uniforms.
  4. Caution Deposit/Building Fund/Refundable Deposit.
  5. Travel Expenses/Passage money for studies abroad.
  6. Purchase of computers considered necessary for completion of course.
  7. Cost of a Two-wheeler upto Rs. 50,000/-.

Any other expenses required to complete the course like study tours, project work etc.

Amount of Loan :

For studies in India , maximum Rs. 10 lacs
Studies abroad, maximum Rs. 20 lacs

Interest Rate :

For loans up to Rs 4 lakh 10.50% p.a.

For loans above Rs. 4 lakh 11.50% p.a.

Processing Fees :

No processing fee/ upfront charges.

Deposit of Rs. 5000/- for education loan for studies abroad which will be adjusted in the margin money.

Repayment Tenure :

Repayment will commence one year after completion of course or 6 months after securing a job, whichever is earlier.

Place of Study Loan AmountRepayment Period in Years :

In India Up to Rs. 7.5 lacs 5-7

Above Rs. 7.5 lacs 5-10

Abroad Up to Rs. 15 lacs 5-7

Above Rs. 15 lacs 5-10

Security :


Studies In India

Studies Abroad

Upto Rs. 4 lacs

No Security

No Security

Above Rs. 4 lacs to Rs. 7.50 lacs

Third Party Guarantee

Third Party Guarantee

Above Rs. 7.50 lacs to Rs. 10 lacs( India )/ Rs. 15 lacs(Abroad)

Tangible Collateral security for full value of loan

Tangible Collateral security of suitable value of loan or third party guarantee

Rs 15 lacs to Rs. 20 lacs


Tangible Collateral security for full value of loan

Margin :

For loans up to Rs.4.0 lacs : No Margin
For loans above Rs.4.0 lacs:
Studies in India : 5%
Studies Abroad: 15%

Documentation Required :

Completed Education Loan Application Form.
Mark sheets of last qualifying examination
Proof of admission scholarship, studentship etc
Schedule of expenses for the specified course
2 passport size photographs
Borrower's Bank account statement for the last six months
Income tax assessment order, of last 2 years
Brief statement of assets and liabilities, of the Co-borrower
Proof of Income (i.e. Salary slips/ Form 16 etc)

UCO Bank

Purpose :

The scheme extends a helping hand to a meritorious student desirous of pursuing higher studies either in India or abroad.

Courses approved Studies in India :

  • Graduation Courses in recognized universities leading to degrees like B.A., B.Sc, B.Com, B.Tech, B.E., MBBS etc.
  • Diploma/Certificate courses from recognized universities or Govt. recognized institutes in disciplines of Engineering, Medicine, Agriculture, Computer, Tourism, Hotel Management and such other technical/professional courses.
  • Chartered Accountancy and Cost & Work Accountancy from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India respectively.
    Post Graduate Courses leading to degrees like M.A., M.Sc., M.E., M.Tech, MBA, M.S. M.D. etc.
  • Post Graduate Research studies in Pure & Applied Sciences, Economics and other Social Sciences etc. in a recognized university leading to Doctoral Degree.

Studies Abroad :

Full time Post Graduate or Doctoral Programmes in Engineering, Medicine, Technology (Pure & Applied Sciences), Agriculture, Computer Science, Business Administration, Economics and other Social Sciences.

Amount of loan :

Actual Loan Amount will be determined as per requirements of the student subject to maximum of Rs.4 lakh. The loan amount under the scheme would consider meeting the following expenses:

  • Course Fees
  • Hostel/Boarding Fees
  • Cost of Books/Journals
  • Stationery & Equipment required for the course
  • Examination Fees
  • In addition to above, for studies abroad, cost of air passage may be considered if requested by the student.

Vijaya Bank

Eligibility :

For studies in India :

student of Indian Nationality is eligible to apply for the loan provided he/she has secured admission to the institution/college/university.

Approved courses :

Full time courses (Diploma, Teachers' Training, graduation or Post graduation and Doctorate studies) in all branches of medicine, engineering, agriculture, CA/ICWA/ACS, Computer Science, Architecture, Business Administration, Law, Arts, Science, Commerce, Hotel Management, Nursing and Pharmacy (except Foreign University Degree courses offered in India)

Amount of loan :

The bank provides a loan of Rs.10000/- for a student's education at a junior college; teacher's training course and other short-term courses that are approved by the Government. Loans worth Rs.50000/- are also offered to students who wish to do a polytechnic course/computer course, or desire to pursue graduation/post-graduation in any discipline, such as arts, commerce, science, pharmacy, agriculture & fisheries. A maximum amount of Rs.4 lakhs for graduation/post-graduation in engineering, architecture, dental science, medicine, chartered/cost accountancy & business administration courses, offered by a reputed institution.

Margin :

No margin for loans up to and inclusive of Rs.25000/- and a minimum margin of 25% for loans above Rs.25000/-

Repayment :

Repayment of the loan commences from the 6th month after the student completes his/her course or the 3rd month of securing a job, whichever is earlier. The loan is to be repaid within a maximum period of 6 months depending upon the repayment capacity.

For studies abroad :

Eligibility :

Meritorious students who have been selected for any course in foreign universities are eligible to avail of the foreign education loans.

Amount of loan :

The bank provides Rs. 10, 00,000/- as a loan for his/her education at a foreign university.

Margin :

25% (To be brought pro rata as and when disbursements are made)

Period of loan :

The loan is repayable in 60 monthly installments. Repayment of the loan is to commence 6 months after the student completes the course or completion of 3rd month after securing a job, whichever is earlier.

IngVysya Bank

Eligibility : Admission approval

Maximum Amount for India : Rs 750000
Maximum Amount Overseas: Rs 1500000

Documents to be submitted :

Previous academic records, addmission approval, address proof, income proof, and introduction.

Time to Process: 2 Weeks

Interest Rate:

In India - 16.5%
For Overseas - 16.5%

Tenures: On Course length.

Repayment: After completion of course


Delhi Tel: 3329212
Bangalore Tel: 2235189, 2230511
Chennai Tel: 8522244
Hyderabad Tel: 4753725, 4750798
Kolkata Tel: 2425440, 2423509
Mumbai Tel: 2882666, 2884247


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