Daily Walk-in-Interviews for All Type of Posts in Govt.&Private Sectors

IICB: Walk-in interviews for various posts

Candidates are invited for the following various posts. Walk-in interview are going to be conducted on different dates as mentioned below.
  • Advertisement No.: R&C/SC/190/2011
    Vacancy Code: 1901101
    No. of Positions : Junior Research Fellow
    Walk-in Interview on: May 23, 2011
    Name of the PI/Co-PI: Dr. Sharmila Chattopadhyay 
  • Advertisement No.: R&C/RC/189/2011
    Vacancy Code: 1891102
    Walk-in Interview on : May 25, 2011
    Name of the PI/Co-PI : Dr. A.K. Giri
    Position Vacant: Project Associate Level -I
  • Advertisement No.: R&C/RC/189/2011
    Vacancy Code: 1891101
    Position Vacant: Project Assistant Level - II
    Walk-in Interview on: May 25, 2011
    Name of the PI/Co-PI : Dr. A.K. Giri 
  • Advertisement No. : R&C/185/2011
    Vacancy Code: 1851002
    Position Vacant: Technical Assistant
    Last Date of Application : May 31, 2011 
  • Advertisement No.: R&C/185/2011
    Vacancy Code: 1851001
    Position Vacant: Scientist Gr.IV(6)
    Last Date of Application : May 31, 2011
For more details Click here

Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL): JRFs

Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory was established at Hyderabad in 1963 to meet the needs of complex materials for modern defence applications with a mission to develop advanced materials, innovative process technologies and related product engineering supported by basic and applied research. The vision of DMRL is to be a centre of excellence for providing total material solutions for defence systems. 

Six positions of Junior Research Fellows (JRF) are to be filled up at DMRL, Hyderabad. Applications are invited from candidates possessing the following qualification. 
1. Metallurgy: BE/B.Tech in Metallurgy with first division. 
2. Physics: M.Sc in Physics/Material Science with first division 
Desirable: Preference shall be given to those who have qualified in CSIR/NET/UGC/GATE examination. 

Last date to apply: 15.06.2011
Walk-In-Interview: On 27.06.2011 at DMRL Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad 

For more details Click here
CSIR Madras Complex: Data Entry Operators

CSIR Madras Complex proposes to engage about 05 Data Entry Operators on purely temporary basis on contract for a period of 6 months under the Project entitled “Building Electronic Knowledge Based Effective Work Places”
Qualification: Bachelor Degree in Computer Science / Computer Application Or Diploma in Comp. Engg. of three years duration recognized by AICTE.
Desirable : One year experience in working on Human Resource Management Automation Solutions.
No of Posts: 5
Mode of Selection: In case of large numbers of candidates, the candidates will be short listed for interview through a written test and / or Group discussion by a duly constituted Screening Committee. The short listed candidates are required to appear in typing skill test and interview. It may also be noted that selection process/interview may continue on next working day, if required.

How to apply:
Eligible candidates may appear together with duly filled-in prescribed Application Form for Walk-in-Interview on 10.06.2011 between 9.00 AM to 10.00 AM along with latest passport size photograph, original and attested copies of all certificates in the proper format issued by the appropriate authority as per the latest instructions issued from time to time on the subject. The interview will be held on 10.06.2011 (Friday) at 9.00 a.m. at Conference Hall of CSIR Madras Complex, Chennai – 600 113

For more details Click here

Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CECRI)- Data Entry Operator

Candidates are invited for walk-in interview for the posts of Data Entry Operator

Project Title: Building Electronic Knowledge Based Effective Work Places
Qualification: Graduate in Computer Science or Graduate with 2 years Diploma in Computer Science with knowledge of computer Applications / Office Automation.
1) Typing skills (40 w.p.m.)
2) Working knowledge in .NET & SQL
3) One year experience in working on Human Resource Management Automation Solutions
No of posts: 10 Nos
Consolidated Stipend Rs.14000
Age Limit: 28 years
Reservation : As regards reservation, if all things are equal, SC/ST/OBC candidates may be given preference over General candidates so as to ensure their representation.
Mode of Selection: The candidates will be shortlisted for interview through a written test. Only the shortlisted candidates shall be interviewed by the Selection Committee.

Eligible candidates may appear for Walk-in-Screening Test / Interview with all original and attested copies of all certificates and duly filled-in application format appended below at 09:00 AM on 02.06.2011 (Thursday) at CECRI, Karaikudi. . Candidates may come prepared to stay for one more day, i.e. 03.06.2011, if required.

For more details Click here
National Institute of Technology Raipur 

Candidates are invited for walk-in interview for the following posts of:
1. Assistant Registrar : 02 Posts , Salary : Rs.21450
2. P.S to Director : 01 Post , Salary : Rs.18000
3. Security Officer : 01 Post , Salary : Rs.21000
4. Junior Engineer (Electrical) : 01 Post , Salary : Rs.13500
5. Technical Assistant : 15 Posts , Salary : Rs.6240
6. Laboratory Attendant : 20 Posts , Salary : Rs.5310
7. Stenographer : 01 Post , Salary : Rs.7600
8. Assistant Grade - III : 06 Posts , Salary : Rs.6350

Walk-in interview dates: 3rdJune, 4th June, & 6th June of 2011.

For more details Click here
NIO Goa- Project Assistant-II 
Candidates are invited for walk-in interview for the posts of Project Assistant-II 
Vacancies: 1 

Essential Qualification: MSc or MTech in Geology / Applied Geology 
MSc. dissertation in sedimentary geology / marine geology. Knowledge of basic computer softwares like MS-office etc. Candidates having programming skills will be given preference. 
Job requirement: To assist the project leader in geological / geochemical analyses of sediment samples for gas hydrate studies 

For more details Click here
S.V. National Institute of Technology- Project Assistant

Candidates are invited for walk-in interview for the posts of Project Assistant

Qualification: First class in M. Sc. (Chemistry)/B.Tech./B.E.(Chemical)
Pay: 5,000/- per month
Date & time: 15th June 2011 at 10.30 am

For more details Click here
 Translational Health Science and Technology Institute- Research Associate
Candidates are invited for Walk-in interview for Research Associate

Essential: Doctorate (PhD/MD) or an equivalent degree or 3 years of research experience after MVSc /MPharm. Those who have submitted their PhD thesis and waiting for the award of degree are also eligible to apply.
1. Publication in international journals
2. Prior experience in the research area relevant to the project.
Emoluments: Rs. 22000 / Rs. 24000 + HRA
Walk-in interview: Interested candidates with relevant qualification and experience may appear for an interview at the above address on 3rdJune, 2011 at 10 AMat THSTI, 496, Udyog Vihar Phase III, Gurgaon –122 016.

For more details Click here

Jamia Millia Islamia - JRF/SRF/RA

Applications are invited for the post of JRF/SRF/RA in a CSIR-SPONSORED-Major Research Project entitled: “Solvothermal Synthesis and Structural Characterization of ZnO, CdO, SnO2 and In2O3 based Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor Nanoparticles.”
Educational Qualifications:
(a) For JRF: - The candidate must be M.Sc. (Chemistry) with minimum of 55% marks and passing of NET/Gate test.
Fellowship: OR
(b) For SRF: The candidate must be M.Sc. (Chemistry) with minimum of 55% marks and two years of research experience in the relevant research area.
Fellowship: The fellowship amount will be Rs. 9000/month + HRA as per the university rules.
(c) For RA: The candidate must be Ph.D. in Nano-Chemistry, Material Chemistry, Physical or Inorganic Chemistry on the thrust of Nanotechnology.
Fellowship: The fellowship amount will be Rs. 11000/month (Consolidated) + HRA as per the university rules.
Duration of the project: Three Years
Application Procedure:
Application on plain paper along with CV and attested copies of the relevant documents of educational qualifications and experience must reach to Dr. Tokeer Ahmad (Principal Investigator) by post/email/personally on or before 16.07.2011.

Date of Interview: Interviews will be held on 18.07.2011 (Monday) at 2.30 PM in the office of the Head, Department of Chemistry. Candidates should appear for the interview with their original certificates. No separate letter will be issued for the interview.

Address for Correspondence:
Dr Tokeer Ahmad
Assistant Professor
Nanochemistry Laboratory, Department of Chemistry
Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), Jamia Nagar, New Delhi- 110 025

For more details Click here

RITES Limited – Engineers 

Candidates are invited for walk-in interview for the posts of:
1. Engineers (Civil) 15
2. Engineers (Elect.) 02
3. Engineers (S&T) 02
4. Technical Assistant (Civil) 15
5. Technical Assistant (Elect.) 02

Date of interview: 25th May, 2011.

Venue: RITES Ltd., Metro Railway Service Building (2nd floor), 56, C.R. Avenue, Kolkata.

For more details Click here

Engineering Jobs in IRCON International Ltd 
IRCON International Ltd, a PSU of the Ministry of Railways, is a premier construction company engaged in the construction of turnkey infrastructure projects in Railways, Highways, Buildings, Power sector, etc. IRCON invites applications for the following posts on contract basis at fixed all inclusive salary for its Rail Coach Factory Project at Rae Bareili.

Works Engineer (Civil): 4 posts
Eligibility: Degree in Civil Engineering

Site Supervisors (Civil): 06 Posts
Eligibility: Diploma in Civil Engineering

Last date to apply: May 10, 2011

For more details Click here

National Environmental Engineering Research Institute: Project Asst 

Applications are invited for the post Of Project Asst
Qualification: M.Sc (Chemistry/ Environmental Science) with minimum 55% marks and relaxation of 5% to SC/ST candidates
Last date to apply: 19 May 11
Interview date: 20 May 2011

For more details Click here
 NIO, Goa 
Name of the post, walk-in date, time & Qualification
Project Assistant-I on 5/May/2011 10:00:00

Project Assistant-III on 9/May/2011 10:00:00
MSc in Chemistry / Marine Science (Chemical Oceanography specialization) with two years research experience in the relevant field.

Project Assistant-II on 12/May/2011 10:00:00
M.Sc. Electronics

Project Assistant-II on 13/May/2011 10:00:00
Master degree in Marine Biology / Biological Oceanography / Marine Science or M. F.Sc.

Project Assistant-III on 25/May/2011 10:00:00.
M.Sc. in Marine Science / Analytical / Inorganic / Physical Chemistry with two years research experience in the relevant field

Project Assistant-III on 1/Jun/2011 10:00:00
MSc in Botany / Marine Sciences (Marine Biology) / Environmental Sciences with two years research experience in the field of phytoplankton related analyses.

Project Assistant-II on 14/Jun/2011 10:00:00
M.Sc. in Marine Sciences (specialization in Marine Chemistry) / Analytical / Inorganic / Physical Chemistry

For more details Click here

Airline Allied Services Ltd.: Cabin Crew 
The Walk-In-Selection exercise for the post of Cabin Crew/Trainee Cabin Crew for Western Region will be conducted at the following Venues. The Registration of the candidates at each Location will be held from 0930 hrs to 1330 hrs on dates as mentioned against each.
Date of Registration: 8th May 2011
Sarovar Portico, Treasure Island,
11, South Tukogunj,
Indore – 452 001

Ahmedabad Date of Registration: 14th May 2011
Comfort Inn, Off C.G.Road,
Opp.Municipal Market,
Navrangpura, Ahmedadbad – 380 009.

Pune Date of Registration: 17th May 2011
Le Royce Hotel, Plot No.261,
Bund Garden Road,
Pune – 411 001.

GoaDate of Registration: 21st May 2011
Hotel Neo Majestic,
Porvorim, Bardez,
Goa – 403 521.

Mumbai Date of Registration: 28th & 29th May 2011
Parle International,
B.N.Agarwal Commercial Complex,
Vile Parle (East), Mumbai – 400 057.

Dates will be announced in the website.

For more details Click here

Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Aquaculture: Managerial Posts 

Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Aquaculture, (RGCA), a society under the MPEDA engaged in the development of new Aquaculture technologies through R&D invites applications from eligible candidates for the following posts for appointment on Deputation/ Contract basis through a Walk in interview /test to be conducted at the Office of Marine Products Export Development Authority, MPEDA House, Panampilly Avenue, Panampilly Nagar, Kochi – 682 036 on the 27th, 29th and 30th April 2011.

    • Project Manager (Contract/Deputation): 1 Post 

    • Date of walk in: 29.4.2011 (8.30 AM) 

    • Asst. Project Manager (Contract/ Deputation): 09 Posts 

    • Date of Walk in: 29.4.2011 (8.30 AM) 

    • Asst. Technical Manager (Contract): 40 Posts 

    • Date of Walk in: 29.4.2011 (8.30 AM) and 30.4.2011 (8.30 AM) 

    • Library Assistant (Contract): 2 Posts 

    • Date of Walk in: 29.4.2011 (8.30 AM) 

    • Technician (Contract): 21 Posts 

    • Date of Walk in: 29.4.2011 (8.30 AM)/ 27.4.2011 (8.30 AM) 

    • Accountant (Contract): 6 Posts 

    • Date of Walk in: 27.4.2011 (8.30 AM) Written test at 10.30 AM Interview at 3.00 PM

DOEACC Society, Chandigarh Center: Data Entry Operators
Data Entry Operator 
Eligibility: 10+2 with good speed in English typing and knowledge of MS-Office
Salary: 6800/- per month
The application form may be downloaded from our website “www.doeaccchd.edu.in” or obtained personally from the above mentioned address on all working days and be submitted strictly in the prescribed proforma along with non refundable registration fee of Rs. 350/- in cash

Date of Interview & Venue: 27.04.2011 by 11.00 am at DOEACC Society, Chandigarh Center, Branch Office New Delhi, 2nd Floor, Parsvnath Metro Mall, Inderlok Metro Station, Delhi-52

For more details Click here
University of Pune
Teaching Associates: 4 Posts 
Tenure: upto March 2012
Eligibility: M Sc in Environmental/ Chemical/ Life sciences with 55%
Last date to apply: April 25, 2011
Interview date: April 27, 2011 11 AM at Dept of Environmental Sciences

Project Asst in Dept of Biotechnology 
Eligibility: M Sc in Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology/ Life Science with 1st class
Last date to apply: April 23, 2011
Interview date: April 27, 2011 11 AM at IBB 
Project Associate in National Institute of Immunology
NAME OF THE PROJECT : Characterization of cytotoxic intermediates and deciphering the underlying mechanism of cell toxicity in Transthyretin related Amyloidosis
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: PhD in Life Sciences/ biotechnology/ biochemistry or any other related field. Those who have submitted thesis are also eligible M.Sc. in Life Sciences, Biotechnology

WALK IN INTERVIEW ON: 2nd May, 2011 at 11:30 AM

For more details Click here
Sushruta Trauma Centre: Jr Residents
Applications are invited in the prescribed format for the vacant posts & likely to become vacant on regular basis for Jr. Residents is Sushruta Trauma Centre, GNCT of Delhi,
Jr. Residents: 09 Posts

  • MBBS degree from a recognized university.
  • Internship completion certificate and
  • Must be registered with Delhi Medical Council. Must not have completed one years Jr. residency in any govt. hospital/ institution. Preference will be given to candidates who have completed internship not before two year of advertisement.
Last Date to apply: 29.04.2011
Date & Time of Interview: 02.05.2011 at 09.00 am in the Office of Medical Superintendent.

For more details Click here
Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (CSIR)

Walk-in-Interview is to be held on April 21, 2011 F.N. (Thursday) for engagement of Project assistant in the project entitled " Development of bio-nanotechnology based biosensor for Clostridium botulinum toxins A (BoNT/A) detection (GAP-0142)" on purely temporary basis (co-terminus with the project) for the following position:
  1. Project Assistant Level – II (Rs. 16,000/- PM for NET qualified and Rs. 12000/- PM for Non-NET OR as per the provisions in the Project)
    Qualification: 1st Class M.Sc./M.Tech in Nanotechnology/ Chemistry/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Pharmacology/ Life Science. Working knowledge in bioconjugation chemistry will be preferred.
    Note- NET qualified candidates will be preferred
    Age: 28 years as on the date of interview
    Date & Time of Walk-in-Interview: April 21, 2011 F.N. (Thursday)
    Place: IHBT (CSIR) Palampur (H.P.)
    Age Relaxation: Relaxation in upper age limit of the candidate belonging to SC / ST / OBC / PH candidate shall be provided as per Govt. of India Rules / CSIR Circular
    For more details Click here
    Project: Development of risk reduced pest management package and management of pesticide residues in apple and its products” (GAP-0138) 
  2. Project Assistant Level – II (Rs. 16,000/- PM for NET qualified and Rs. 12000/-PM for Non-NET qualified)
    Qualifications: First division M. Sc. in Zoology/ Entomology
    Project Assistant Level – I (Rs. 8000/-PM)
    Qualification: First division B.Sc. (Medical/ Non-medical)
    Age: 28 years as on 25.04.2011
    Date and Place: April 25, 2011 (Monday) at 10.00 AM at IHBT Palampur (H.P.)
    Age Relaxation: Relaxation in upper age limit for the candidate belonging to SC/ ST/ OBC/ PH shall be provided as per Govt. of India Rules / CSIR Circular
Note: Result awaited candidates are not eligible for interview
For more details Click here

ESIC conducts walkin interview to fill up the Full time Specialist post on Contract basis for a period of One Year or till the posts are filled up on regular basis whichever is earlier at ESI Model Hospital, Sector-24, Noida.
Full time Specialist on Contract basis: 02 Posts
Surgery: 01 Post
ENT: 01 Posto

Eligibility: Post Graduate Degree in concerned Specialty from a recognized University with three (3) years experience after acquiring the Post Graduate Degree OR Post Graduate Diploma from a recognized University with five (5) years experience after acquiring the Post Graduate Diploma.
Age: Not exceeding 45 years as on 30.04.2011. Relaxation for SC/ST/OBC as per rules.

Date of Walk-in- Interview: 09.05.2011

For more details Click here

Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research requires Data Entry Operators
A walk-in-interview will be conducted on Wednesday, the 27th April, 2011 from 10 A.M onwards for engagement of 10 (Ten) Data Entry Operators on purely temporary basis on contract for a period of 6 (six) months under Project entitled “Building Electronic Knowledge Based Effective Work Places” at CIMFR, Dhanbad.

Eligibility: B.Sc.(IT) / B.C.A. / B.Sc.(Comp. Sc.) / Graduate with 2 Years Diploma in Computer Science / Application with Knowledge of Office Automation and Typing skills (40 w.p.m.) One Year Working experience in data entry and office automation

For more details Click here
Air India Air Transport Services Limited

Air India Air Transport Services Limited (AIATSL) wishes to engage Indian nationals, for the posts of Security Agents at the following stations
  • Chennai – 110,
  • Trichy – 03,
  • Madurai – 02
  • Coimbatore-06
  • Trivandrum – 88
  • Calicut – 29
  • Cochin-29
  • Hyderabad – 34,
  • Vishkapatnam- 02
  • Tirupathi- 03
  • Bangalore – 03,
  • Mangalore – 09
Qualification Graduate in any discipline (minimum three years duration) from a recognized University
Ex-Servicemen who have acquired the Qualification equivalent to Graduation in the Armed Forces and have a service record of minimum 15 years in the Armed Forces, not below the rank of Junior Commissioned Officer or its equivalent in the other wings of Services, who had been discharged from service during the preceding two years
5 years in the Armed Forces, not below the rank of Captain or its equivalent in the other wings of Services, who had been discharged from service during the preceding two years.

Walk-in Dates: 
(i) Trivandrum 19 & 20 April (Tuesday & Wednesday)
(ii) Hyderabad 26 & 27 April (Tuesday & Wednesday)
(iii) Mangalore 03 & 04 May (Tuesday & Wednesday)
(iv) Chennai 10 & 11 May (Tuesday & Wednesday)

For more details Click here
IRCON International Limited
Applications are invited for walk-in interview for the following posts of:
  1. Category-I Operator : 15 Posts,
    Operations : 1. Motor Grader- 04 Nos., 2. Excavator - 02 Nos., 3. Front End Loader -02 Nos., 4. Stone Crusher (Above 100TPH)-07 Nos., Date of Walk-in : 10.00 AM on 02-May-2011, Salary : US$ 700.00 (Fixed) 
  2. Category-II Operator : 75 Posts,
    Operations : 1. Vibratory Compactor -06 Nos., 2. Dozer - 06 Nos, Dumper/Tipper/Trailer/Tanker/ Tractor -57 Nos., 4. Excavator-cum-loader - 01No., 5. Crane upto 75 MT - 01 No., 6. Fork Lift -03 Nos.,
    Date of Walk-in : 10.00 AM on 03-May-2011,
    Salary : US$ 600.00 (Fixed) 
  3. Crusher Foreman : 02 Posts,
    Date of Walk-in : 10.00 AM on 04-May-2011,
    Salary : US$ 900.00 (Fixed) 
  4. Auto Electrician : 01 Post,
    Date of Walk-in : 10.00 AM on 04-May-2011,
    Salary : US$ 700.00 (Fixed)
Application Procedure: 
Application neatly typed on A-4 size paper in the prescribed format should be sent to Addl. General Manager/ HRM, IRCON International Limited, C-4, District Centre, Saket, New Delhi - 110 017.

Date & Place of Interview: 02.05.2011 to 04.05.2011 at IRCON International Ltd. C-4 District Centre, Saket New Delhi - 110017

Last date for receipt of applications: 1st May, 2011.

For more details Click here
National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science & Technology (NIIST) - Data Entry Operator

Candidates are invited for walk-in interview for the posts of Data Entry Operator
Essential Qualification: 
Graduate in Computer Science OR Graduate with 2 years Diploma in Computer Science with knowledge of computer Applications/ Office Automation and Typing skills (40 words per minute)

One year experience in working on Human Resource Management Automation Solutions.
Vacancies: 10 posts,
Payment: Rs.14000/- per month,
Age: 28 years

On 26/04/2011 at 9.30 am at NIIST, Pappanamcode, Thiruvananthapuram- 695019.

For more details Click here


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